No! no! no! Let me stay in bed. God I hate my job. I hate Monday mornings. Help! help me! I can't do this.

Does this resinate with you?

I know this doesn't fix anything but you are 1 of the 53% of the work force on the planet that hate their job.

Monday morningNo! no! no! Let me stay in bed. God I hate my job. I hate Monday mornings. Help me! I can't do this.

Do you hate your job? I know how you feel. I know too well how you feel. I have been in your position on two occasions in my life.

Maybe you should consider changing jobs or doing your own thing. Maybe start your own little business.

My goal is to help you by showing and guiding you to see the path forward. In fact it is my purpose in life to help as many people who are frustrated, angry and fed up with their lot in life. If you don't do something it will eat you up. 

Do You Hate Your Job? Then the Path Forward Starts With You.

The path forward must start with you. Get out of the rut you’re in. If you don’t, nothing will change. You will still hate your job. Continue to be depressed. Continue to drag your sorry ass out of bed every morning. Continue on the soul-destroying commute. Nothing changes.

the commuteThe angry guy on the soul-destroying commute to the job he hates. You cannot exist like this.

What about if I could change all this and show you a clear path ahead?

Have I got your attention? Are you interested, I’ll assume, YES!

After all what options do you have. If you have stumbled onto this page you have come to the right place.

Don’t worry there is no catch. As I stated before this is not the lead in to a sales funnel. No endless BS until you get to the sting. That is not my style. You see I'm not desperate to take anything from you. Rather I'm eager to give something -  a way forward. 

This is an addition to my home page and on this page I will try to motive you to find a solution.

I can help you with your future. The payoff is for you to pay it forward. The same reason I am doing this site.

OK, there you go, the ‘wait for it’ is out of the way. Can we continue?

Firstly, there’s no detailed formula for you on this page.

This page is designed to show what I’m about and what you can become by changing who you are.

Angry man at deskI know what it's like to hate your job. The silly thing about this image it can be fixed pretty quickly and relatively smoothly.

You see, I’ve been where you are. I know what it's like to hate your job.

The silly thing about this is it can be fixed pretty quickly and relatively smoothly.

Oh yes, I have been there big time. Twice, in fact.

Sign up to our monthly Newsletter, "Mentor Minutes", for juicy info' of more business tips and tricks. 

Mentoraus NewsLetter

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Do You Hate Your Job? Then There is a Reason.

Let's say you are a person in your mid 20's. You are reasonably healthy physically. The statistic show you are probably going to live into your 80's and possibly longer. You will be retired on average 15 -20 years before you die. 

So consider this. You probably have about 40 years of work ahead of you.

Now do you want to be working in a job you hate and putting up with, 'No! no! no! Let me stay in bed. God I hate my job. I hate Monday mornings.'? Or, do you want to change the narrative to "I love my job", "I love what I do"?

The answer - Change!

Just change

Yes, I get it. If you quit your job there will be issues.

"What about the loss of income?

What about rent payments, mortgage payments, food on the table?"

All these question are relevant at the moment.

All the issues you can come up with can be overcome.

The thing is what your issues are will seem so silly years from now. You will look back and smile to think what seemed so much of an issue was just an ill perceived aberration.  

If you don't do something about changing your present situation, who will? I’ll tell you who will. Nobody!

Do you hate your job? Then Take Control

So if…

…Sunday night is the worst night of the week. cannot get out of bed on Monday morning.

…you hate your job. hate your work mates.

...everything make you angry. 

…you think you're underpaid.

…you lack drive and enthusiasm.

…the boring brain-sucking daily commute is driving you crazy.


…dreaming of calling the shots in your own venture is for you.

…having the dream job that sits in your zone is gettable.


If you’re ready to take the plunge into business ownership or achieve your dream job, you’re in the right place.

The First Thing To Do is Build YOU.

“Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the man who thinks he can.”

Get ready to conquer some mindset hurdles, uncover your hidden talents, set realistic goals and transform you into the person you want to be. A winner.

It’s not just about making money; it’s about making a difference for YOU. The money will come.

If you’re ready for the challenge, then let’s roll. MENTORaUS is your ticket to success.

Don’t just dream it; live it. I’m here to make sure you do.

the man at his office is now a happy manIf you want to change from an angry person to a person with a positive vibrant personality with an infectious, enthusiastic attitude then do something about it.

Ready to kick ass? Let’s do this!

If you want to change from an angry person that in reality most people don't want to be around. To a person with a positive vibrant personality with an infectious, enthusiastic attitude then do something about it.

It is up to you. 

If you are willing to see what might be, then tell me which part you want to change.

You see the facts are, you can be anything you want to be.

You are the master of your destiny.

If you do nothing, you will still be the same disgruntled, angry, miserable, person as you are now. One year from now, ten years from now you will not have changed, just older.

Anything you want to know or having trouble with just ask...

I love hearing from my community!

If there are any questions or something you aren't clear on, you can reach out below. I'll get back to you promptly.

Thanks for taking your time.

Ask your question....

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Tell me how I can help you.

Ask the your questions.

I make one promise.

I will answer your promptly.

It only costs you your time to take the first step.


Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience