How To Find Your Purpose

Have you ever stopped amidst the chaos of life and asked, “What is my purpose?” or “Why am I here?”

Anxiety“What is my purpose?” or “Why am I here?”

If these thoughts resonate with you, you are not alone. In the following pages I will guide you, in how to find your purpose.

A recent Gallup poll revealed that a staggering 85% of people worldwide feel they have no clue what their purpose is. They have no sense of purpose. Is that not amazing? Read it again. Let it sink in. Only 15% of the population of the earth understand and have a purpose and, when asked can recite it with enthusiasm. Amazing.

I’ll tell you mine up front: 

My purpose through this website is to educate/ mentor/coach/guide/teach people willing to listen to discovering a pathway to their purpose.

hate your job“I hate my job”

If you haven’t read my page on, “I hate my job”, you might be surprised to know 53% of the workforce hates their job. This, combined with no sense of purpose is endemic.


People are frustrated, angry, confused and searching for a sense of purpose, feeling isolated and lost. There is hope. My hope is your journey toward how to find your purpose begins here.

Frustrated manPeople are frustrated, angry, confused and searching for a sense of purpose, feeling isolated and lost.

Why do we feel a constant itch to find our purpose? It’s simple—a sense of purpose is a significant contributor to personal happiness and satisfaction.

Defining Your Purpose

However, the challenge often lies in defining that purpose. 

If you’re feeling burned out or you audibly sigh, “I hate my job!” every morning, there’s a good chance you’re not pursuing your genuine passion or purpose.

It can seem a daunting task to shrink your whole life, dreams, and ambitions into one statement–your purpose, but fear not! 

The process of how to find your purpose is not an exact science, but a journey of self-discovery. You take one step at a time.

ponderinghow to find your purpose is not an exact science, but a journey of self-discovery. You take one step at a time.

Here are Three Simple Strategies to Guide You

Firstly, acknowledge your emotions. 

One common reason people struggle to find their purpose is the reluctance to acknowledge their feelings, both good and bad. Understanding these can guide us toward our genuine passions and interests.

Secondly, embrace your strengths. 

Each one of us is unique, with abilities and talents setting us apart. 

Discover and appreciate these individual strengths.–they’re invaluable clues to understanding your purpose. 

Yes, you might have to dig a little, but remember—every journey starts with a single step.

Lastly, align your values. 

Your purpose in life often aligns with your deeply held beliefs and values.

Identifying and revisiting these values can work as a compass in the labyrinth of self-discovery, pointing us towards our true purpose.

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Ink Your Future

ink your future. thunbnail

In it, you’ll discover…

  • how to turn your dreams into a step-by-step path to  well-thought-out goals.  
  • the power of the pen
  • how to keep motivated
  • a system that is tried and tested
  • a process to never forget your goals
  • how to set realistic timeframes

How will it help you?

  • The book offers timeless, proven strategies updated for the 21st century. 
  • It explains why goals often fade over time and how using technology, like your smartphone, can keep your goals front and center, pushing you to achieve them. 
  • Following the content of this book will have a beneficial effect on your attitude. 
  • These systems and processes bring your goals to life and introduce a profoundly effective approach: writing them down in longhand.

“Ink Your Future” turns your dreams into reality. It starts with something as simple as putting pen to paper. 

Imagine a life where your dreams become real. Your goals are achieved through a proven process, and modern technology helps track your success.

So, whether you’re wanting material possessions, yearning for a promotion, changing jobs or building a startup, this book will help you create a path forward.

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Still with me? Good. It’s homework time

Woman writing in a notebookGet out your notebook sit in a quiet place.

Get out your notebook sit in a quiet place and start writing.

Here are some prompts to help you along the way.

Write these prompts on a single line or two. Then allow say 10 lines to write some answers. If you want to use a full page of the notebook for each prompt, it’s fine.

Let yourself relax and your mind wander. 

Do not be afraid to dream. 

Just keep writing until you have exhausted every conceivable thought. 

You have to be specific, to be terrific.

OK, start writing.

How to find your purpose - Prompts

Here are 22 questions designed to give you a start.

1. What makes you happy?

2. What activities or things make you feel super joyful and excited?

3. What do you care about most?

4. What do you feel good about?

5. What do you feel bad about?

6. What issues or problems in the world or in your community do you feel strongly about?

7. What are you good at?

8. What skills and talents do you have that make you stand out?

9. What do you want to learn more about?

10. Is there something you’re curious about and really want to explore or understand?

11. Who do you want to help?

12. What legacy do you want to leave behind?

13. Imagine people talking about you in the future. What do you want them to say or remember about you?

14. What do you daydream about doing in the future?

15. What big dreams or goals do you think about when you’re lost in your thoughts?

16. What are your favorite hobbies or interests?

17. What activities do you enjoy in your free time?

18.What do people say you’re great at?

19. What do you think people love about you?

20. Ask friends and family what they think your strengths are.

21. How do you want to make the world a better place?

22. Think about what changes you’d like to see in the world.

bored listenerWhat big dreams or goals do you think about when you’re lost in your thoughts?

These questions can help you start thinking about what’s most important to you and what you want to do with your life.

Finding your purpose is a journey, and it can change over time.

Your purpose is something that makes you feel fulfilled and happy, and it can be as unique as you are!

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How To Find Your Purpose through the Process of Introspection

Through this process of introspection, you might discover a theme running through the answers you gave. 

See if you can condense it and write down your purpose. 

Your purpose has the power to evolve over time, morphing as your life changes direction. 

It isn’t a monolith; instead, it’s a fluid entity evolving as your life changes and you grow.

writing in notebookYou might discover a theme running through the answers you gave. See if you can condense it and write down your purpose.

When we speak about finding your purpose, you might imagine a romanticized, singular destiny — the one thing you’re born to do. 

That’s not always the case.

Your purpose may be an amalgamation of many things, reflective of your diverse interests, talents, and values.

It’s not to say finding your purpose is an easy fix for all of life’s complications.

The simple act of finding your purpose can bring about a sense of unease and anxiety. 

Its OK. Uncertainty is an integral part of the process.

Remember, finding your purpose doesn’t have to be a solitary quest.

Family firstThe love and support of friends and family can be a valuable line of wisdom and perspective on your journey.

The love and support of friends and family can be a valuable line of wisdom and perspective on this journey. 

Moreover, there are numerous resources available, including mentors/coaches/guides/teachers, support groups, and online communities to assist you in how to find your purpose.

The number one thing is not to rush. Your purpose isn’t a race to the finish line. It’s a journey best savored slowly. Take your time to introspect, explore, and nurture your capabilities without undue pressure.

Don’t stop writing. Keep a record of your task. Revisit it often. Add, delete, edit when necessary.

The Power of the Words “I love”

Here’s something to keep in mind as you move to find your purpose — don’t underestimate the transformative power of the words “I love”. 

When people transition from jobs they hate to doing what they love, they often find an unexpected path to their true purpose.

It’s liberating to realize the narratives we’ve been telling ourselves about what we should be doing can be rewritten. Such freedom can unlock doors to happiness and meaning you may never have imagined.

Laughing happy womanIt is amazing what the shift can be when you find something you love. “Turn your hobby into your job, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Suddenly, Monday mornings aren’t horrible anymore.

You’d be surprised at how significant the shift can be when you find something you love. It’s like that old saying, “Turn your hobby into your job, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Suddenly, Monday mornings aren’t horrible anymore.

Secrets to how to find your purpose are hidden in all the unique twists and turns that make up you. Investigate each one. You may just stumble upon an insight that changes your whole perspective.

Finding Your Purpose Doesn’t Equate to an Instant Easy Pass in Life

Keep in mind, finding your purpose doesn’t equate to an instant easy pass in life.

There will still be challenges, disappointments, and failures along the way. However, they become easier to bear when you’re striving for something you deeply believe in.

It’s essential to remember, you are not alone at this challenging crossroads. It’s okay to feel lost. It’s okay not to have all the answers. Most of us don’t have it all figured out. It’s perfectly fine.

One sure way to discover your purpose is to embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” ask yourself, “What can this teach me?”

The beauty of this journey is reflected when instead of viewing life through the lens of scarcity–scarcity of time, resources, happiness–you start noticing opportunities and abundance.

Mansion & luxury carsViewing life through the lens of resources, happiness and abundance–you start noticing great possibilities.

As you explore your purpose, remember, your life has a natural rhythm, and your purpose is a music sheet and will probably change from time to time. Listen carefully, get in the groove and dance!

Finding your purpose doesn’t mean you have to abandon your current life and take a 180-degree turn. 

Sometimes, it’s about making minor tweaks in our attitude or approach towards things we are already pursuing.

A woman standing on a pathEach person’s journey to finding their purpose is unique and intensely personal. The critical thing is - it leads you down the path towards posterity, meaning, fulfilment and happiness.

Each person’s journey to finding their purpose is unique and intensely personal. 

The critical thing is - it leads you towards posterity, meaning, fulfilment and happiness. 

Remember, your purpose is something only you can discover; it can’t be dictated or prescribed by anyone else.

Once you find your purpose, celebrate it. It won’t answer all your questions, and sure, life won’t always be easy. When you align your life with your purpose, you live authentically and profoundly fulfilled.


So, my friends, are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime — How to Find Your Purposejourney of self-discovery, aspiration, and purpose? 

It’s time.

Live a life filled with passion.

Escape the confines of a job you hate. 

Now is the time to ask - How can I find my purpose? 

It’s time to hit the notebook. 

Make sure you write it out longhand. 

Do not type it into a file. 

A plain ordinary notebook is the secret. 

Keep it handy, you will be using it constantly.

Get this right and there is an amazing world full of opportunities waiting for you. A world of untapped potential. 

Are you ready to explore it?

The world is waiting for you. 

You can do it. 

Go you good thing.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

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