Overcoming Business Stress


OK, you’re having a hard time. Business is business, right?

I get it.

Overcoming business stress is the harsh reality of startups and mature businesses alike. 

Downturns happen - for all kinds of reasons.

This downturn could be (government-induced) an economic downturn, financial issues, health-related, supply issues or personnel issues.

Whatever the issue, it’s part of the package. Business is business.

But let’s make this crystal clear: you are not alone. You are not failing. What you’re feeling is normal, 95% of the time. The other 5%, well, not much anyone can do. I can only help the 95%.

Are you disillusioned? Disappointed? Stressed? 

Do you find you are short-tempered? Having sleepless nights? Negative mindset? 

Do you find it hard to get motivated to do your normal exercise routine? 

tired woman with cokeTired. No time for a healthy lifestyle. This is a recipe for disaster.

How about eating? 

Do you eat on the run? 

Eating junk food?

I know exactly what you are going through. I’ve been there. And I am here to tell you there is a way to overcome this painstaking business stress. 

If you identify with some of these issues, stay with me. I will help you.

The thing is, your issues are real

You need help. 

But here’s something I’ve learned from my journey: a solution is always around the corner. It’s just a matter of finding it. Sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees.

Let’s overcome this stress together, one step at a time.

Overcoming business stress 
Step 1. Acknowledge your emotions

stressed woman at a deskUnderstand - it’s okay, not to be okay - is the first step toward feeling better.

You might feel frustrated. Deflated. Angry. Scared. Whatever it is you’re feeling, acknowledge it. It’s okay to have these feelings. Business is business, and it’s tough.

Understand - it’s okay, not to be okay - is the first step toward feeling better.

I will give you the best piece of advice I ever received from my mentor.

Sit down in a quiet place and write in longhand in a notepad. DO NOT TYPE ON YOUR LAPTOP. Keep this notepad handy at all times. Waffle on, indulge, and write whatever it is you are feeling. Don’t stop. This can be emotional. Let it go. Keep writing. This is gold. I guarantee you, doing this exercise goes a long way to getting to the solution and setting a strong mindset.

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I love hearing from my business community!

Having said that, I receive many messages here and through my newsletter every day. Sadly, I just don't have enough hours in the day to reply to them quickly.

I am working on it. 

So, here's a simple contact form for you to fill in. I will get back to you in due course, but please be patient!

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Overcoming business stress  
Step 2. Take a break

woman with a coffeeGrab a cup of coffee, breathe in some fresh air, go for a walk or jog.

This might sound counterproductive, especially when you're knee-deep in issues. But trust me, taking a step back can do wonders.

Grab a cup of coffee, breathe in some fresh air, go for a walk or jog. Do something that calms your nerves and clears your mind. It can bring about a new perspective. Meditation. If this is your thing, do a session or two. It does wonders. Even if it is not your thing, make a note in your notebook to research it.

Overcoming business stress 
Step 3. The Big Picture Strategy

Are things really as bad as you think? Chances are, they’re not. 

Try looking at the larger picture, and assess what you’ve achieved so far.

This is a great mental exercise to do even in good times. Think about the obstacles you’ve overcome and the progress you’ve made. Again, write it in your notebook. Can we call it your ‘business is business’ journal?

This can help you detach from the immediate stress, allowing you to see things more clearly.

Overcoming business stress 
Step 4. Establish Healthy Habits

making a cup of teaGo buy some fresh ginger bulbs and chop a small portion into a fine consistency. Boil the kettle and pour over the finely chopped ginger. Let it draw and cool. Add a dollop of raw honey and sip.

Here we go. Yes, you’re busy. Everybody is busy. The simple fact is, you need to eat well. You do not need me to tell you that. Your mother has told you that as a kid, did she not?

Sleep. The sleeper in all this (sorry). Prioritize your health and this includes sleeping. Remember: A healthy body is a haven for a healthy mind. These days it is so easy to get a wearable that can track your sleep patterns. Analyze it and find out what the hell is going on. Most of the time, stress will cause sleep disorders. So, as I have written about before, look upstream to see what the issue is. Check alcohol consumption. Coffee overdosing.

Here is a good tip. Replace coffee after midday with green tea or even better ginger tea. Yummy. Go buy some fresh ginger bulbs and chop a small portion into a fine consistency. Boil the kettle and pour over the finely chopped ginger. Let it draw and cool. Add a dollop of raw honey and sip. Drink as much of this as you like. This has valuable natural benefits. Do your research.

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Overcoming business stress 
Step 5. Seek a Mentor

woman with a mentorAn experienced mentor can give advice, strategies, and reassurance during the highs and lows of your business journey. It is the best investment you will ever make.

This is the game-changer. There is a reason I keep banging on about this and saying ‘experience is the only teacher.’ 

An experienced mentor can give advice, strategies, and reassurance during the highs and lows of your business journey. It is the best investment you will ever make. 

Let me tell you a story about Mick.

As a budding actor with a few bit parts under his belt, Mick landed the main roll in what is now a classic. This boosted his income from minus zero to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the mid 60s this was a fortune. Mick had absolutely no idea what to do with his newfound wealth. The IRS did, and they came knocking. To cut a long story short, at a chance meeting at a party, Brod, an accountant, offered to fix it all for him. From that point on, Brod became Mick’s advisor. 

Small at first, but in the end, Mick became his sole client. Even though the advisor was an accountant, there is an argument he was his mentor. As time passed, this is exactly what happened. 

Over the years, they developed many businesses related to the movie industry. Together, they are probably worth a billion or two. Yes, their net wealth is impressive. My point is you never know where the advisor, call it the mentor will show up. You never dream where this might lead. By helping with a single issue could develop into a trusted friend, financier, and partner.

Business stress is real

ChurchillAs the famous words of Sir Winston Churchill, at the height of the German ‘blitzkrieg' of London, said, “This too will pass away”.

Overcoming it is no minuscule task. Understanding ‘business is business’ - means there will always be highs and lows, downturns and upturns, stress and victory and growth and achievements. 

Never forget you started your business with passion and enthusiasm. It was not a random decision. It was a decision born out of belief – a belief in your idea, in your capability to make it work. Don’t let this belief fade away because of temporary setbacks. 

Hang in there, get yourself a mentor, and move forward confidently.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was any successful business. As difficult as it may be right now, remind yourself, this is just a phase and it too, shall pass. 

As the famous words of Sir Winston Churchill, at the height of the German ‘blitzkrieg' of London, said, “This too will pass away”.

The path to overcoming business stress, like life, is about rolling with the punches, pivoting to move forward, resolving issues, creating solutions and coming out stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever.


Have faith in your ability.

Check your mind set.

Write it down.

Step back.

Engage an advisor a mentor.

This too will pass.

I know this is not going to make you feel any happier, but I going to say it anyway. One day some time in the future you are going to look back on this moment, and a smile will appear. May be even a snigger. Because as bad as it feels right now, it will pass. 

It is in your control.

Make it happen.

Go you good thing.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience