Help me save my business

Reviving Your Struggling Business 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Challenges

If you find yourself in a position where you’re saying, “Help me save my business,” know that you’re not alone. When you start your business and start your journey of entrepreneurship it is filled with highs and lows, and even the most promising businesses can hit a rough patch.

Crying womanWhen you start your business and start your journey of entrepreneurship it is filled with highs and lows, and even the most promising businesses can hit a rough patch.

Many business owners have faced similar challenges and managed to turn things around. Including me. Yes, I have been through ugly times when I did not know how I was going to pay the bills. You know what? You get through it. You do not give up. In my case, I leaned heavily on my mentor and between us; we figured out the path forward.

He mentored me in how to be resilient. To understand what the ‘process’ was and how to focus on what the process is doing rather than what the results are.

I learned that the results are a direct product of the process inputs. Powerful!

This is not to say you should not care about the results, but understand the processes are in your control. Outcomes to a large degree are not.

experienced mentor with studentMy mentor gave me sage advice many years ago that helped me save my business.

In this guide, I will give some advice to help you reignite your business’s spark by revisiting your initial motivations, analyzing your situation, and implementing strategic changes. The very same advice my mentor gave me many years ago when I asked him to help me save my business.

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I am working on it. 

So, here's a simple contact form for you to fill in. I will get back to you in due course, but please be patient!

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Rekindling the Enthusiasm

Think back to the day you opened your business. Even better, think back to the lead-up to starting your business. It does not matter what the business is. There is a moment in time when you put your shingle out with the ‘open-for-business’ sign prominently displayed.

The excitement, the anticipation–this is the energy you need to tap into once again. Reconnecting with your original motivations can help reignite your passion and determination. 

Remember why you started this journey in the first place — the freedom, the creativity, and the dream of making a difference.

open-for-business-sign.jpgThere is a moment in time when you put your shingle out with the ‘open-for-business’ sign prominently displayed.

Understanding the Downturn Help me Save my Business

Constructing a timeline of the past few months can provide valuable insights into the factors contributing to your business’s downturn. I sat down and crunched the numbers over the past year. I asked myself some pertinent questions. 

Has there been a change in customer behavior?

Could I find any unusual market trends?

Did I miss any changing economic conditions?

Identifying the root causes will help you address them systematically.

Get help. 

Sometimes outsiders like an experienced mentor can identify things you can not. 

Sometimes anxiety and stress cloud the simple issues staring you in the face. You know sometimes you cannot see the trees for the forest. There are times you are so busy attending to ‘doing business’ you miss the big picture.

forest of treesYou know sometimes you cannot see the trees for the forest.

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The Power of the Process

FocusFocus on processes.

This is one of the most critical steps that help me save my business.

Focus on processes. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the bigger picture, but breaking it down into manageable processes is key. 

Every aspect of your business–from operations to customer service–should have a well-defined process. This clarity ensures consistency, efficiency, and accountability.

How Prioritizing and Systematic Improvement Help me Save my Business

TortoiseIt was the tortoise approach that helped me save my business.

Start by identifying the most pressing issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Prioritize this issue and develop a detailed plan of action

Do not rush this. Tackling one problem at a time, you’ll create a sense of accomplishment and build momentum for further improvements.

Remember, the journey to save your business is not a sprint but a marathon. Consistent and steady progress will yield better results than frantic attempts at quick fixes. Do not do the quick fix. If the solution is fast, re-do it. You more than likely missed something. In my experience, it is the tortoise approach that help me save my business.

Mindset Check

The mindset you bring to the table is crucial. It is natural to feel anxious and stressed during challenging times.

Maintaining a positive and solution-oriented mindset is vital. Use your initial enthusiasm as a source of inspiration to fuel your determination. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your business’s potential.

Get yourself a mentor as a matter of urgency. This will be your most valuable asset. When it comes to getting the processes right, this is number one. I cannot stress this enough.

If you want to keep on getting the same results, then do not engage a mentor. But, if you want help to save your business, then make this a priority with a bullet.

istockphoto-1313904539-170667a.jpegIf you want to keep getting the same results, do not engage a mentor. But, if you want help to save your business, then make engaging a mentor a priority.

Adaptation and Business Plan Modification

Your business plan might need adjustments based on the current realities. Don’t be afraid to pivot and make changes to align your business with current market demands. A flexible approach can help your business evolve and stay relevant.

Financial Health Assessment Help me Save my Business.

Saving your business often involves a financial overhaul. Take a hard look at your financial statements and cash flow. Are there areas where you can cut costs? 

Can you renegotiate contracts? 

Can you find alternative suppliers? 

With the help of a mentor, consider seeking professional financial advice to make informed decisions.

Customer-Centric Approach

engaging with a customerYour customers are your lifeline. Engage with them. Understand their needs. Understand their preferences.

Your customers are your lifeline. Engage with them. Understand their needs. Understand their preferences. Understand their pain points. Find out why they used your product or services. Keep records of all interviews.

This may not be the only time in your business career you will need help to save your business.

Revamp your marketing strategies if the need exists to cater to these insights. 

Customer feedback can provide valuable guidance on how to improve your products or services. Customer feedback is gold. Start digging.

Team Alignment

If you have employees, make sure they understand and align with the business's goals and are motivated to contribute to the business’s turnaround. You might be surprised how much they can contribute to help you save your business. Open dialogue and transparency can help foster a positive work environment.

How Monitoring and Measuring Progress Help me Save my Business

moving forwardDo not be afraid to go backwards to move forward.

As you implement changes, monitor the effectiveness. Record everything. 

Are you seeing positive outcomes? 

Are certain strategies yielding better results than others? 

Regularly evaluate your progress and be prepared to pivot if something isn’t working as planned. Do not be afraid to go backwards to move forward.

Embracing Growth

The process of saving your business isn’t just about survival; it’s about growth and transformation. As you work through challenges, you’ll likely uncover new opportunities and innovative approaches. Keep an open mind and be willing to embrace change. I learnt from an early stage - there is a fine line between growth and bankruptcy.

bankruptcyThere is a fine line between growth and bankruptcy. Tread carefully.


Help me save my business is searched often on Google. For all the above reasons. 

The journey to save your struggling business requires dedication, resilience, and a strategic approach. 

Revisit your initial motivations. 

Analyze the downturn.

Most of all, as a first responder, focus on processes.

Engage a mentor.

Target improvements in the business plan.

Listen to the customers.

If you do just some of these things, then you will certainly steer your business back on track. 

Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth, and remember that the path to success is paved with determination, adaptability, and a customer-centric mindset. You have the power to save your business and transform it into a thriving venture once again.

You can do it.

Go you good thing.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience