The Morning Schedule - everyone has one. It’s yours or someone else’s.
What I want to show you is why it should be your own. Yours to control and do what you want with it.
If you are going to start a business there is something powerful about having the morning schedule. I’m going to assist you in starting your own. Take what you like leave what you don’t.
We all have a the morning schedule, regardless if we know it or not. The thing is, sometimes it is not in our control. Nevertheless, it’s a morning schedule.
I want to you to wrestle back the control. It will not be easy. If you have a family, you have family commitments. Life gets in the way. I understand. It happens to me even today, and I have been doing this for nearly 40 years.
If you have a job, you have a commitment. A family, you have commitments. Getting the kids breakfast and off to school, a commitment.
If both you and your partner work, you have commitments.
You have a morning schedule, better or worse. It is a sub-conscious schedule, or a planned one. I’m betting it is a sub-conscious one grown out of necessity. But you have one. Everyone has a morning schedule.
Why is this important? You might ask. Read on and understand how important this is if you want to start your own business.
Let’s start with a question.
How do you feel about getting up earlier?
How early?
Well, this is your call.
I’m going to guide you in something life-changing. It is so worth it.
Right up front, it takes discipline. Lots of discipline. I make no excuses for this statement.
If you are thinking of starting your business and you don’t have discipline… Well, you’d better get used to working for the man and forget about starting a business. A morning schedule is a serious part of running a business for sure, but it is also a process you can use for the rest of your life.
The best idea is to have a morning schedule of your own. One you can use for the rest of your life. A morning schedule you can take forward in your business.
This is a life-changing process.
You know I am huge on ‘the process.’
So how does the morning schedule work?
It is a habit, and it is a great habit to have.
First up - get up.
Now, if you are an early riser, a ‘morning lark’ this will not be an issue. But, if you are a snooze button expert, you are going to find this first step hard. Sure, it’s going to be easy tomorrow. Your enthusiasm is high. Tomorrow, when the alarm goes off, you’re up and off. Tomorrow is not the issue.
I want to know what you’re doing every morning this week, this month, this fall, this summer, next spring, and next winter when the bed is so warm. This is a discipline a habit you need to master forever if you are going to get the odds of succeeding in business in your favour.
OK, maybe a vacation you can sleep in. Be careful of this. Monitor this. This is what’s called the ‘thin edge of the wedge.’ You know what I’m talking about. Be aware. Get back on the horse asap.
Let’s give you a guide to your new morning schedule.
Find yourself a comfortable, quiet place.
Get yourself relaxed.
Do a 5-minute meditation session.
Slowly build this up to 15 - 20 minutes.
To help with this, get an app. I recommend a free app called “1 Giant Mind.” This will guide you as if you had a meditation mentor. Try it.
There is no way you will know if you’re doing it correctly. Thoughts will rush through your head. Listen to the guided tutorial, don’t worry it’s all perfectly normal. Over time, you will manage this.
You will never eliminate the thought racing through your mind, but manage it as best you can. The only way I have found to test if this is working is when you find the 20 minute meditation feels like 10.
I kid you not. Sometimes I cannot believe it when the chime rings to show the end of the 20 minutes. Fascinating.
Now get yourself a coffee. First for the day.
This is the best part of the morning schedule. Not the coffee, although it is pretty good. No, this next part is gold.
This 'morning pages' part of the your schedule is probably the hardest to get your head around. Let me explain how this works.
Don’t worry if you do not get it. You will just keep reading.
The idea is not something I invented. I wish I did. Julia Cameron invented this maybe 30 years ago.
Again, get yourself a coffee and sit in a quiet, comfortable spot. Get an A4 good quality notepad and a quality pen or ballpoint and start writing. Do not stop. Allow up to 30 minutes. Most people can get this done in that time. I usually get it done in about 25 minutes. Write whatever is in your head. It doesn’t matter if it’s garbage just write it down. Keep writing until you have completed three A4 pages. I know, I know it sounds a lot of BS, but trust me. This separates the superstars from the stars.
Do not judge this until you have done it for a month.
The magic happens in the last half of the last page. I call this my POW. My Pearls Of Wisdom.
This is confidential. Do not share it with anyone. Some things you write and rant about may offend. So do not share this. In fact, after extracting the POW’s destroy the pages. Shred them.
I told you it all sounds like gobbly gook. But let me tell you it works. Just do it.
The number of business ideas I have hatched from this simple exercise is mind-blowing. So read the page on Morning Pages and do your own research as well.
I have told many people about this and but a few have continued on with it after a few days. It’s a matter of discipline and having a conscious morning schedule.
Make it part of yours. It will astound you with the results.
Get up an hour earlier.
Go to the bathroom.
Meditate for 10 minutes in the early stages.
Make a coffee.
Get yourself comfortable in a quiet spot.
Write your morning pages.
Go do some exercise, Yoga or a simple walk.
Have a shower.
Attend to the usual morning family schedule.
Now you are fully primed, eager and ready to take on the day in a calm, relaxed attitude.
Go you good thing.
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Experience isn't the best teacher it's the only teacher